RULES OF NOTICE

***1.All the students of our school are hereby informed that our school is going to arrange/organize

etc.. a/an যে বিষয়ে   টি  on তারিখ  at সময় at/in জায়গার নাম |

2.ব্যাক্তি/ব্যাক্তির পরিচয়   will conduct the programme /competition (যদি কেউ অনুষ্ঠানটি পরিচালনা করে)

3.ব্যাক্তি/ব্যাক্তির পরিচয়  will be present their as a chief guest.(যদি কোনো প্রধান অতিথি এসে থাকে)

4.The programme/competition will be continue for সময় /দিন (programme/competition-টি কতক্ষণ/দিন ধরে চলবে)

 5.A short cultural programme also will be arranged in this regard.(যদি কোনো অনুষ্ঠানের আয়োজন করা   হয)

6.The headmaster will preside the programme/competition.

7.The items of the programme/competition will be______________

8.All the students will take out a rally under the guardians of the teachers in the nearby area of our school with slogan , placards,posters,etc..   to make the people aware

***9.All the students/Willing students are asked to submit their and give Rs-Amount  each to the respective class teacher on or before তারিখ 

10.Their also asked to carry বস্থুর নাম with them. (যদি কোনো জিনিস নিযে আসতে হয় )

11.They must be present at যে জাযগায় আসতে হবে  at সময়  on the day of the programme/competition and maintain discipline with uniform.

12.Yours help can save many lives.

13.Prize will be distributed among the students.

***14.For farther details students may contact the undersigned if necessary.

***15.Para করে লিখতে হবে-Whole hearted  co-operation is highly solicited in this regard.


                        HEADING OF THE NOTICE

NOTICE NO-                                                    DATE-

-------------------(BODY OF THE NOTICE)--------------------

Countersigned by                                      নাম+টাইটেল
the Headmaster                                        School captain
SD/-                                                         (School Name)

Extra point of the notice-
1.The students will be divided into 4 groups.
2.The tour will start at সময় 
3.The tour will return at about সময়   on তারিখ
4.Regular rehearsal will be held.
5.Our Headmaster will host our national flag.
6.No class will be held tomorrow./The school will remain closed at tomorrow/date .
7.The hand writing should be legible.
8.The students are requested to give the wide publicity of the campe.
9.Three nurses will help the doctor to take the blood.
10.The students will informed their choices of food to the undersigned.

[Garland=মালা পড়ানো,National anthem=জাতীয়  সংগীত]

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                                                 RULES OF NOTICE *** 1. All the students of our school are hereby informed that our...